Monday, March 15, 2010

l'air frame

hey, my energy level isn't the highest, but... gonna try to add just one or two if i can. jean-luc sent me this groovy freeze frame earlier today. its a still-frame from an old l'air du temps commercial from the 80's. so cool, the way he caught the image while it was morphing from the girl to perfume bottle... or vice versa. it almost looks like some kind of ghostly dress. and i love the shade of orange he was able to coax out of it. just goes to show that even a clunky old drop-out-ridden vhs tape over 20 years old can yeild visual gems in the hands of the Master, jean-luc.


lucynell2 said...

I miss Planet Cool

almadora said...

planetcool IS coming back... i promise you. and i miss you and love you too, lucynell.