Thursday, March 11, 2010

cult confessions

who doesn't love adrienne barbeau? hey, i know i do... she was sensational in ... in, um... that flick where she showed her cleavage. no really, i probably shouldn't pick on her... i know virtually nothing about her like, personally. but from the looks of this shot, she's got a book out there somewhere. 'there are worse things i could do.' i like the tittle... i-i mean 'title.' i gotta say she gets high marks from me, just based on the cover photograph. that violet lace corslet is divine, and woof...! can she fill it out, or what...? all kidding aside, i'll bet she's had a fascinating ride in show business. 'there are worse things...' is probably a very good read. maybe. dig it.


jean-lucien said...

wow, i wonder if she's got a drivers license down in there somewhere.

seriously, just call her "billie" everyone does. her turn in creepshow was the marital-hate most.

jean-lucien said...

wow, i wonder if she's got a drivers license down in there somewhere.

seriously, just call her "billie" everyone does. her turn in creepshow was the marital-hate most.

lucynell2 said...

I love her. she is the ultimate sexy housewife. I love brunettes with big boobs. Wink you guys...