Thursday, March 11, 2010

fashion strikes again

mmm, i'm all for 'fashion,' you know... but i'm the first one to admit the whole game can be, and often is, pretty ridiculous. the sleekest and most beautiful model can look instantly dopey when some 'conceptual' designer or photographer comes up with some 'now' idea... like, evening gowns on trampolines with crimped hair... or like, posing 'glam dead' in a coffin with white goth makeup and weird arm angles. so, all things considered, this photo of the 'practically perfect' marisa berenson isn't that bad at all. they've got her on a beach? hey, i can 'rock' with that. her tan is stunning, and contrasts beautifully with the turquoise... erm, dress...?? no, it's the headdress that leaves me saying, '...huh??' i think i see actual oyster shells... probably some other kinds of shells too. yeah, i see other shells... some strands of (hopefully) fake seaweed junk. please tell me i don't see little crabs. still, despite all that, miss berenson's cool ways make it work. long as you don't think about it too long.

1 comment:

jean-lucien said...

just wait, beyonce will wear something startlingly close to that in "her new video", mark my words.