Thursday, March 4, 2010

emerald sudz

mmm, sweet! sweet minty pale gorgeous sexy deliciousness! i wish i had made a note of this chick's name. because hey, she deserves the credit. she's the one who 'bared all' for the cameras. man, what can i say? apart from being very cute and lovely in the face, she's got an all-around dreamy bod. wow... i wish i could issue a personal 'thank you' to all the good young ladies that stripped for 'my eyes only.' look at those deelish curves! look at that sweet 'flip' hair! hey, i have it 'on the record' that i don't officially 'go that way,' but... hey, YOU know what i mean. wow, it stuns me to know there are people out there would would dare to call this lovely creature 'fat.' hey, if this chick is fat, then FAT is where it's AT! so hey, mysterious Playboy chick, thank you... thank you for 'takin' it off,' thank you for being so beautiful. seriously, we salute you.


jean-lucien said...

nice. fat? hey, bring it on. its only more, more, more flesh-to-go munch-munch-munch on. and that goes for boys as well as girls. hey, i remember my "meatloaf" phase.

lucynell2 said...

She is not fat. Not even in the least. I love her boobs. I seriously, seriously love her boobs.