Thursday, March 4, 2010

bohemian twig

i know, i know... twiggy gets more than enough praise and press without ME having to chime in... especially how i feel about like, the promotion of an impossible female body image or whatever. but i can't help it... i dig her. i think she's lovely and talented and has a good head on her shoulders. and hey, let's face it, the camera loves her. but, i'm not really showcasing this pic because its twiggy... more like, despite the fact that its her. i just love this photograph. end of story. i love the pose, i love the dress... i love everything about it. i can't imagine how many snaps there were on the contact sheet... and yes, i realize there was some massive annoying, non-glamorous wind machine blowing at her for hours during the shoot, drying out her eyes... but hey, when you look at a shot like this one... it all seems worth it, doesn't it? hey, call me crazy, but if it were affordable and socially acceptable, i would dress exactly like this like, all the time. i love all the ribbons and patterns... hey, there is literally nothing i do not like about this photograph.


jean-lucien said...

hey, i think i used that skirt in a painting, only now i cant recall which one. oh yeah, the one with the elder lord lyndon, maybe?

man, my fashion-design brain's got a hard, what a gown.

lucynell2 said...

I love that pic too. Looks like she was mid twirl.