Thursday, March 4, 2010

slacks, man! 'now' slacks!

okay, i don't feel like, 100%, but i don't like to let too much time go between postings. so dig this one, lovers! artist bob peak is quickly becoming one of my all-time faves. you've seen his work, even if you don't realize it. he was prolific in the world of movie posters and magazine covers... mostly in the 70's and 80's. and one look is all it should take for you to recognize and appreciate his grooviness. pardon me if my commentary isn't as flowery and clever as it should be... i'd be able to more effectively praise mr. peak on a better night, but... (shrug.) so, hey! dig these mod and groovy pants! dig those fine, swoopy lines... that use of sunburst-color! such a flawless economy of both. thanks to this wild machine, once again, i am afforded a large assortment of his work. hey, that's my job here at 'planetcool,' ...shining a spotlight on those who are often unsung. so hey, dig it... the work of a man at the 'peak' of his game.

1 comment:

jean-lucien said...

i love his stuff too. i mean, that illustration is so cool it makes me want some "now" slacks now.