Thursday, March 4, 2010


i'm going on the record to say that i actually think the 'classic boy george' look, is a groovy one. i can remember those years... in the early 80's, when 'that look' first came over my MTV video music airwaves. i remember i DID virtually stop in my tracks... i DID catch myself thinking something like, ' that i've never seen before.' and i don't just mean george himself, i mean that whole... rag-tag... patchwork... hair-and-braids... you know the look i'm talking about. i have a clear memory of seeing the sleek, sexually-ambiguous 'boy.' i'd heard him on the radio, and, as cliche as it sounds, when i finally saw him, i was like, '...hey, i thought that was a guy, but it seems like it might be a chick...' i'm sure i wasn't the only one. so anyway, the point is, jean-lucien was good enough to send me this screen shot. its a shot of the 'george-alikes' featured in the video for what i think may be their strongest hit, 'the church of the poison mind.' seriously, i cannot THINK of that song without wanting to hear it... ohhh, that soaring harmonica. in fact, hey... i'm gonna 'youtube' click it up right now.

1 comment:

jean-lucien said...

it is one of their best. im a sucker, sucker, sucker for some harmonica. lyric-wise, however, as usual, i dont know what the "bleep" george is talking about.

oh, and dora, you and lucy both would wear that look beautifully. i think id wear like, pilot gear with an imogene claire face. (mmmm, in my dreams)