Saturday, November 19, 2011

yes, miss garbo

ahhh, 'the garbo i knew.' i've been a fan of greta garbo since like, mmm... 1987? sometime around then. i was blessed in the fact that my high school had a relatively good library. ...and as soon as i discovered it, i started stealing from it. one of the books i hauled was a hardcover catalog of early cinema. that's where my movie knowledge really got a foothold. ahhh, the sweet days before security strips and video surveillance! man, that library was probably like, 1,000 pounds lighter by the time i graduated. but it was worth it for the education. i love this ethereal shot of greta louisa gustafsson. her smallish boobs, the way she holds her body, that hand on her hip, that sexy yet intelligent look in her eye... what a goddess. even the way her hand is placed is elegant and provocative. greta lived an intensely private life... and when i was much younger, i was perplexed by that. but now, with all i've been through in my travels, i totally know where she's coming from. these days, i'm like, 'the fewer eyes on me, the better.' i remember in drama class one time, i had to write a skit... and in it, was the name 'greta garbo.' but when it came time for the kid to read the line, it came out as 'great garbo.' i mean, she was great, but... you know what i mean.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

omg, Fowler's drama class...