Saturday, January 17, 2009

bron and john

yes, this picture may be small, but its 'big' where 'beatle coolness' is concerned. here we see the young mr. john winston lennon, on the set of the richard lester coloriffic musical 'help!' he's in good company. the foxy brunette broad with him is none other than the fabulous and criminally underrated miss eleanor bron, in costume for her part as the mystic-eastern dollface, ahme. yeah, she follows them around and tries to bite the ring off richard's finger and all that stuff. but, as you well know, she is not what she seems. very early in the movie, she changes sides and tries to keep 'the bad guys' from getting the magic, big, red, gaudy, cheap-looking lollipop ring. so here's to you, miss eleanor bron. oh, and here's to john 'peace child' lennon, too.

Friday, January 16, 2009


yes, its been a slow week here on the planet. hopefully by next week i'll be flush with various wild ideas. hey, dig how cold it is out here tonight... 8! yes, a big bad single-digit 8 degrees! its a good thing i've got a fire going. okay, where was i? umm, yes... i love you all, like 'late-nite' style. and here to mark my place is a 'just for laffs' shot taken by me from my screen. its nigel planer, as neil, in 'the young ones.' and if you don't already know what's going on in this shot, its hard to explain, so i think i'm just gonna 'let it be' visual. i love you all, i hope you're keeping warm, and i promise to be back soon with more pearls and laughs. peace.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

its babs!

only one post tonight... i couldn't sleep. so i got back up, realized i hadn't posted anything, and decided to go with another one of my photographic experiments. i think this babe really needs no introduction. i took this snap from a great video of hers from around... 1967? i actually have no idea when it was. but, just like my 'screen' joe, and 'screen' georgina, i like this silky feel this one has. and i do think she's a good-lookin' broad. so, hopefully i'll have more for you lovers tommorrow night, but until then... dig babs!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

experimental georgina

as you'll read on the post below, i've been screwing around with some photographic techniques; like, that's because i'm an artist, and that's the kind of wild stuff i do to amuse myself. so, i've been taking pictures of my computer screen with all sorts of stuff on it. and although the images aren't like, 'razor-sharp,' resolution-wise, i still am digging on the egg-drop wispyness of the stuff i'm managing to get. and some unexpected colors have been popping up, just from the random behavior of strange added filters and accidental elements. here's a shot i took of my blonde darling georgina hale. it was a black and white clip, but somehow, the end result had an aquamarine hint to it. i liked it, so i tried to bring it out a little. its weird, the grain is still quite fine, but the detail is hazy. below, you'll see another try with a different model. cool stuff.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

experimental joe

i don't have a lot of energy tonight. maybe its a lunar thing. (did i already say that last night?) anyway, i was messing around with my camera tonight, and a clash video came up in my shuffler, and i thought, like, why the hell not take a shot of the screen, and see if you can get a half-way decent image. and, not to brag, but i think i did. sure, its a little hazy, but still worth having in my files. especially since i had to make my video player 'full screen,' and had to 'sharpshoot' without pausing, but all that considered, i think it looks pretty darn good. then i cropped it, brought up the color a little, and decided it could make it to the final picture file. so i might try to mess around with photographing the screen in the future. like i'll get all 'nick-rhodes-conceptual' and pretend to be weird and... all that junk. (its from a performance of the clash song 'tommy gun,' by the way.)


i cooked this one up a long time ago. i think it speaks for itself. although, i fear i might be the only one who sees anything funny about it.

school poster

hey, remember all those smallish posters you used to see around schools? like, a bug-eyed tree frog on a tree branch that said like, '...hang on 'til friday' and stuff like that? well, quite a while ago, a made up a few of my own. i don't remember where i found the cat picture i used, but once i had him, i gave him a caption and, presto! instant school poster. i imagine this one was most likely in a middle school... ironically in the room of the teacher that loaded you down with the most homework, just to mock your 13 year old pain. i realize the caption is really basic and 'first idea,' but that was kind of the point. like, they didn't get noel coward to write those things. so dig him, the groovy and slightly-startled-looking 'homework cat.'

johnny reflects

mmm, i needed (wanted) a black and white shot for this slot, and after looking through some older files, i saw this, and i just couldn't resist. as i'm sure you'll recognize, this is from the richard lester pop ...masterpiece? 'a hard days night,' starring the famous beatles. oddly enough, it was the last movie i saw in the theater. (that's a long story) it was great to see it on the big screen. johnny lennon plays himself, (mmm, big no kidding) and here he is, being his vain-yet-insecure cinnoman-haired self. i wish i could tell you the name of the actress over his shoulder, the one who stops him in the stairwell, but i don't feel like looking it up right now. by the end of the scene, she's not sure she's seen john lennon at all. its one of john's cutest moments in the flick, and he has several cute moments. (mmm, hey hey they all do.) hey really is lovely. like a smug but loving calico cat. so, god bless john... and give peace a chance, you know? (click to enlarge)

miss ali frets

okay, so we're all girls here, right? okay, so maybe not... but i think we're all mature enough to handle digging at some ancient mid-70's ad for playtex tampons. here we have the foxy and fretful miss ali mcgraw and her tacky white beaded bag, wondering if her 'feminine protection' will last through her wait to get into her job interview. (like she was having a lot of trouble finding work in the 70's.) still, this is almost charming. its pretty wordy, but basically says playtex is more absorbent and offers more reliable protection than tampax. (a conclusion i most wholeheartedly dispute.) but anyway, she's hoping her 'goods' hold out until the sexist bigwig finds time to look over her quaint little 'working girl' resume. knowing he'd probably hire her on the spot just based on her looks, in hopes of being a pig and banging her later in an attempt to blackmail her into keeping her job. okay, so i know i sound cynical, but it was the 70's. and i realize the copy is a little faint, and therefore difficult to read, but i've read it, and the best line is really the last. after bragging for several paragraphs about the great protection offered by the product, it says: '...obviously no tampon will last indefinitely...' mmm, thanks, ye good people at playtex... like, tell us something we don't know. jeez. (click to enlarge)

Monday, January 12, 2009

bibi and birkin

okay, straight up, please don't flag me, they're only human naked chicks, and we've all seen that before. and this won't take long anyway. here we have the second (or third) mention of miss jane birkin in less than five days. yes, here's the slinky and french miss birkin, in the very very nude... in bed, in some movie i haven't been able to identify. she looks playful enough. and yes, the broad over her shoulder is the also-french-and-nude miss brigitte (overrated by me) bardot. yeah, so... they're not really doing anything, i know... they're not even kissing, they're not even pillowfighting, they're just kind of laying there. but, what makes this shot postworthy is the fact that... miss bardot has a very lit-and-hot-and-apt-to-cause-injury-to-delicate-flesh cigarette (!!) not six inches from miss birkin's somewhat-concealed 'private garden.' knowing if i was going to break my 95% 'straight' rule, and actively get in bed with another chick, i think i'd very much have to insist-and-stand firm by a 'no lit cigarettes near my pussycat area...!!' -rule. but hey, that's just me. (click to enlarge... i mean, hey, if you want to... i'm not here to judge.)

new old duran duran horserace

hey, here we go again... once again, you must choose! but choose wisely. (mmm, who am i...? the old knight at the end of 'last crusade?' all of the sudden?) okay, so we're not picking out a holy grail, but we are trying to decide who has the most 'righteous' good looks in this mid-80's pin up of simon and the rest of the duran lads. first of all, let me say that this particular photo shoot was very familiar to me. like, it is distinctive because of that tacky-ass red white and blue smeared paint background. i know i must have encountered at least a dozen slightly different shots from different publications, but all with the same ugly wall, the same clothes, and the same 'standing order.' i'm sure this happened with other bands. like, i'm sure lucynell could tell me the same kind of thing about sting and the police boys in almost-identical poses on the same like, military airstrip or something. but, all that aside... we need to choose a winner here. so um, let's see... as usual, can we eliminate vom-faces andy and roger? umm, yes. yes we can. andy looks hung over, and roger looks cold. so that leaves the middle three once again. simon loses some points right away because he looks like he's in the middle of saying something, which is almost never a good look on anyone. and i have to dock nick some points, because he can't even be bothered to look at the camera. (actually, maybe we should give him some credit for that... like, for being 'too cool' for the photoshoot.) and so that leaves john. you know its sad when john can look like a dykey high school girl named melissa who wants to kick your ass after gym class, and still beat out his buddies for the 'best looking' crown. so its nigel john taylor once again. congratulations john. you made it. (click to enlarge)

radio clash

man, i'm sleepy tonight. i'm just about to crawl into bed. so, with snow on the ground, i'm leaving the cool planet in the hot hands of joe strummer once again. let him play you some tunes and listen to him spout unconventional philsophy until the cold winter sun creeps up over the horizon. god bless you all; i love you. (and i miss little hand-held radios like the one he's holding... i know i owned at least three in my lifetime, and i drove them until they died.) click to enlarge.