oooh, girlfriend! i've been feeling anxious all day... much like prison-bound queen 'molina' in 'kiss of the spider woman,' i feel like i've got to get my head together, you know? like, honey...its like i woke up in my car, fully dressed in club clothes, (clothes i didn't have any memory of putting on...! ) hey, why did i fall asleep in my car, you might ask? ohhh, honey, don't i wish i knew! yes, life is a lot like that, sometimes. you just wake up, look around yourself, you look at your surroundings; you're thousands of miles from your hometown, and you can't seem to grasp how you got there. i guess i'm making it sound bleaker than it is. actually, my mood is pretty even and cool... its just that (sigh) ...sometimes the enormity of real life just seems to swirl around me like an over-hyped, clunky, garish disney ride, and i can't even remember lining up to get ON...! so, what's a girl to do at times like these? you gotta wash those bad vibes right outta your hair, and wrap up all that moist clarity in a scarlet towel. then, you grab your nearest oriental-themed robe, put on jussst enough eye make-up, and then, when all is quiet, you put on some of your favorite sounds, crack open an ice cream sandwich, and try, try, try to 'get your head together.' you know ...by yourself. so good luck, girls... molina and i know how you feel. (click to enlarge... he enlarges beautifully. its a great shot.)