Thursday, March 11, 2010

cult confessions

who doesn't love adrienne barbeau? hey, i know i do... she was sensational in ... in, um... that flick where she showed her cleavage. no really, i probably shouldn't pick on her... i know virtually nothing about her like, personally. but from the looks of this shot, she's got a book out there somewhere. 'there are worse things i could do.' i like the tittle... i-i mean 'title.' i gotta say she gets high marks from me, just based on the cover photograph. that violet lace corslet is divine, and woof...! can she fill it out, or what...? all kidding aside, i'll bet she's had a fascinating ride in show business. 'there are worse things...' is probably a very good read. maybe. dig it.

mmm... pulpy

when listing all my favorite things, 'groovy book covers' is very high up on my list. i think i may have searched for book covers almost more than anything else. there's just something about a cool groovy paperback. (sadly, don't get me started on paperbacks now days... the cost of paper must be skyrocketing, because recently they've become insultingly, sickeningly flimsy... both the covers and the pages... ) but, back to the older groovy ones. hey, it's no secret i've been known to buy books just to obtain the cover art, and never read the content inside. (mmm, how i miss 'Atlas Book Exchange.') so... let's take a look at the book in front of us, shall we? 'His Lesbian Love' by the never-heard-of-him Wayne Wallace. i love the small print that lets you know what you're 'in for.' let's see, it says: '...he was innocent, inexperienced, and ready for his first affair... even if she was a gay call girl...!' mmm, hey how gay can she be? i guess if the price is right, i dunno. i've seen better cover art, but then again, i've also seen a LOT worse. its cheeky, campy, charming. i dig it.

fashion strikes again

mmm, i'm all for 'fashion,' you know... but i'm the first one to admit the whole game can be, and often is, pretty ridiculous. the sleekest and most beautiful model can look instantly dopey when some 'conceptual' designer or photographer comes up with some 'now' idea... like, evening gowns on trampolines with crimped hair... or like, posing 'glam dead' in a coffin with white goth makeup and weird arm angles. so, all things considered, this photo of the 'practically perfect' marisa berenson isn't that bad at all. they've got her on a beach? hey, i can 'rock' with that. her tan is stunning, and contrasts beautifully with the turquoise... erm, dress...?? no, it's the headdress that leaves me saying, '...huh??' i think i see actual oyster shells... probably some other kinds of shells too. yeah, i see other shells... some strands of (hopefully) fake seaweed junk. please tell me i don't see little crabs. still, despite all that, miss berenson's cool ways make it work. long as you don't think about it too long.