Wednesday, April 9, 2008

good witch bad witch

...all of them witches. i wasn't really thinking about witches when i assmebled this piece over ten years ago. i wasn't really thinking about it meaning anything. back then, i had to work with the scraps i had. i couldn't alter color or size or sharpness or anything. but still, i think i got a nice result. i suppose the lilian gish and julie andrews above could be like good witches of the north, opposed to the unscrupulous guy woodhouse at the bottom, with a pair of hungry bisexual wenches somewhere in between. i'm not sure why i included jfk up there, unless he was supposed to represent conscience or whatever. but i totally don't think i was thinking of that in any kind of concrete way. i think i just needed or wanted a splash of purple. click to enlarge.

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