Saturday, July 5, 2008

shy eileen

yes, a girl who is always welcome to the 'planetcool' pillowfight... miss bernadette peters, ladies and gentlemen. this is a small shot i captured a long time ago from the 'pennies from heaven' dvd using old equipment, but its still quite lovely after a minimal amount of secondary tricking. i honestly don't think the following words have ever come out of my mouth: "gee, that sure is a rotten picture of bernadette peters." i find it hard to believe anybody has ever said that. she always looks lovely, pale, sexy, and practically perfect. here she is as miss eileen everson from the movie version of 'pennies' co-starring steve martin. if you've never seen it, you're missing a one-of-a-kind film. the musical numbers are astounding. and the bob mackie costumes are virtually deadly. its a sad film, from one point of view. personally, i think the script is just absolutely real. fate and chance and passion and drought all collide in a dazzling downpour of wrong turns and human mistakes. i stand by it. its hard and glittery and gritty and great.

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