Monday, January 26, 2009

joe in greece

ah yes... air travel. i suppose i've become somewhat phobic; but i don't care if i never have to do it again; namely, get on a damn plane. like, i've flown enough in my life. like, as i often say: the day i fly is the day i HAVE to. like, i'm not all that afraid of crashing... its just that i 'rainman' do not like, indeed cannot handle, such situations over which i have almost zero control. like, once you hand over your ticket and strap yourself in, that's it. zero control over almost every single possible variable. that's why i prefer to stay grounded for travel. hey, if you're on the ground, worst case scenario... you can always conceivably 'get out and walk.' still, here is a charming shot of my darling joe strummer in some grecian airport, awaiting his flight. i have never been overseas, and, if i end my days never having ventured from this great expansive slab of land that IS north america, then so be it. call me square. i have absolutely zero desire to 'go rock climbing in dublin,' or to 'go clubbing in amsterdam' or to 'cruise the shops in paris,' or any of that. i'm not knocking it, its just not in my blood. any wanderlust i once had has been contentedly replaced by a wild real need for Security. so, enough airports and train stations for me. when all is said and done, i'd rather be right here. (i guess i really didn't say much about joe strummer, did i? oh well... i got sidetracked. perhaps he'll forgive me... he was known to be a generous soul.)

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