Sunday, January 25, 2009

young steven

hey, i wanted a black and white shot, and i ran accross this older shot of morrissey in my archives. its obviously from 'the smiths' era. and anyone that knows me, knows i think he's much sexier with a few more years and a few more pounds on him, still... i think this shot is particularly lovely. it looks like he got his hair cut like, seventeen minutes before the picture was taken. i'm sure i probably cropped out johnny marr. i always try to crop out johnny marr when at all possible. wow, he was so young. so ummm, dig the youthful coolness of his face, and do yourself a favor and dig up some old smiths tracks. i think you'll be pleasantly surprised. their stuff sounds even better and more original and cool to me now than it did 20 years ago. they really did know how to play. and nobody sounded like them. sometimes i have to remind myself that it was only three instruments and a voice. good stuff. damn good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Intersting post. I will be visiting again for more intelligentsia.

Clayrn Darrow