Wednesday, January 28, 2009

pop trash

hey, i just ran across this gem, and i thought i should pass it along. honestly, i think it more or less speaks for itself. yes, we've got the gangly party animal iggy 'james austerberg' pop, with a brew in one hand, and almost-deb's tit in the other. and deb herself is managing to look almost-conscious as she grabs ig around his spindly waist. and whoa, she's got that tongue out, just to prove what a wild 'nightlife' chick she is. i imagine there was some lofty conversation going on that night. and i wonder who's holding the camera? andy warhol, maybe? alexander gudnov with a coke high? liza minnelli? perchance miss tatum o'neal? hey, who knows? but i dig the picture. sleaze at its finest.