Tuesday, February 24, 2009

happy birthday, you unimaginable bastard

yes, i was just browsing the celebrity birthdays, and i noticed that my devious man billy zane is turning a dark and arrogant 43 years old. yes, i first remember seeing zane in that classic ...cult? suspense film 'deep calm,' with the not-so-famous-yet nicole kidman and the used-to-be-sexy-to-me-before-'jurassic' mr. sam neill. yes, billy zane played the wicked sadistic villain in that one, and his acting chops impressed me then, and i guess i've been a fan ever since. in some roles, like caledon hockley in 'titanic,' he even manages to be darkly humorous, even when playing a rat. he's got some great lines in 'titanic,' too... like, his ironic revelation, '...i put the diamond, in the coat...' (2-3-4) '...and i put the coat on her!!!' okay, so i'm sure that might not be the exact line, but i don't have a copy of the flick right now, so that'll have to do. and like, also that line when rose says like, '...half the people on this boat are going to die,' and cal shoots back with the tycoon-cold, '...not the better half.' of course, he loses his haught a bit when he realizes rose is right, and he tries to sneak his coldhearted ass into one of the lifeboats by snagging a stray urchin, and convinces the boat guy by saying, '...she's all i have in the world.' mmm, he's a slime, but a sublime slime, yes? my ice-cold screen shot is from that line. so happy birthday, you unimaginable bastard, you're turning 43!

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