Saturday, February 28, 2009


yes, just because. meaning, you don't ever need a 'reason' to pay tribute to the late and very, very great mr. george harrison. here he is on the set of 'help!,' (freezing in the cold brisk wind, i understand...) contributing his mellow genius number 'i need you.' i think it goes without saying that he looks positively gorgeous. he is, and always has been, my favorite beatle, no contest. he looks fabulous through the whole movie. what a face. what a voice. what a lovely soul he was. and yes, he 'lives on' in his music and film and all that. i think i've mentioned it before, but his album 'all things must pass' was one of the very first records i had on tape. jean-lucien and i played it over and over and over again. we played that tape, literally, until the tape itself began to disintegrate and flake off in tiny black flecks. god bless you george. we miss you.

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