Tuesday, February 24, 2009

ronan and georgina

man, i still feel a little shagged-out from pulling an oscar-related 'all-nighter' last night. so i don't have a whole lot to post. haven't found time to go on a serious pearl-dive recently. plus, i have to cook again on wednesday. i'm thinking about making quesadillas and rice. so um, yeah, just to hold my place i'm posting another little slice of notebook art, from like, at least two years ago. (man, has it been that long?) like, i don't have the specific journal in front of me right now, but if i did, i'm pretty sure the date would be around '06. so um, who do we have here? on the right, its the delightful ronan vibert as wilmot pershaw from his one episode of 'jeeves and wooster.' (the episode is officially called 'jeeves sets sail,' in case anyone is interested.) so, yeah, there's ronan, and some deep fruit-punchy colors... the shot of ronan is from a screen capture jean-lucien took a long time ago. and on the right, is a minaturized scan of one of my journal covers. the main image is georgina hale from 'mahler.' the little phrase was randomly cut out of a science book... maybe about gemstones or something. so dig it, and hopefully i'll have more for you soon. (click to enlarge)

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