Wednesday, March 25, 2009

my new position

wish me luck, everyone. i've accepted a volunteer position on some local tourist board type association, answering phones and stuff like that. it starts wednesday. i really didn't want to do it at first, but who am i to scoff at an 'entry-level' situation? so, i'm gonna look just like this chick. all sexy and secretarial with her hair up and her ruby lips ready to recieve a sexual-harrassment kiss-on-the-mouth from some older boss-guy with silver fox hair, preferably a guy that looks like edward fox. or james fox. no, edward fox. i have, on him, the 'fox dibs.' (?) actually, i think i'm going to be working mainly with women. oh well, you can't have everything, can you? i'm anxious, but i'm all showered and my clothes are laid out like a good girl. i even styled my hair... kind of in a late 60's liz taylor headband inward flip-style. so, wish me luck. i think its only gonna be two days a week. and only a few hours at a time, but as i said, you have to start somewhere. so i love you all. kiss.


lucynell2 said...

Good Luck today! Can't wait to hear all about it.

Rex Venom said...

Good luck and good times!
Rock on