Sunday, March 22, 2009

happy birthday yuqing

i feel a little ashamed. usually i'm very good at remembering birthdays, but i have to admit, i almost forgot this one. and there's totally no excuse for it. my dearest darling yuqing's birthday is today, and with 30 minutes left in the day, i finally realized what day it was. now, this date slipping my mind has nothing to do with how deeply i feel love for this man. he is, after all, and probably always will be, the great romance of my life. he is of the highest character and intelligence. his merciful and loving heart has never let me down. he is a brave man, a talented scholar, a fine teacher, and a wonderful lover. i try not to think of all the miles between us, because of me. it hurts too much. but i still believe he is in my life for a reason, and he continues to be a source of strength and inspiration to me. i love you, yuqing. and i'm still here. happy birthday.

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