Saturday, March 21, 2009

he's a sissy...!

yeah, i know my baby sister sarah is older, and has probably
'moved on' from the monkees, even though i totally haven't. but its her birthday and i must acknowledge the fact that, if it hadn't been for her, and her spot-on quick crush on the pre-fab lads during their mid-80s re-run on MTV, i might have seriously missed out on some of the best music in the latter half of the 20th century. yes, that may sound lofty, but i stand behind 90% of the monkees music 100 percent.... and as far as their solo efforts go, mike nesmith went on to make some of the most beautiful, brave and relevant records i have ever heard. and ultimately, if it hadn't been for my darling sentimental sister sarah, i might never have heard ANY of it. so here's to you, sarah. your tastes in art are keen and most often, correct. thank you for shedding light on an orchard of such quality. here's a screen shot i took recently of peter and his newly-found motorcycle mate, from the second season 'wild monkees' episode. "....does that mean we can go out together tonight?" "" "...why not?" "...let's face it man, you're a sissy..." (hey, sarah... dig the video i have for you below.)

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