Tuesday, March 17, 2009

happy st. patrick's day

yes, i'm pretty sure i'm part Irish... like, they say everyone's irish today anyway. so, to celebrate in a non-beer-related way, i thought i'd post a sexy slinky chick not-wearing 'of the green.' the only green here is on the mod late 60's sofa pillows, artfully placed to conceal parts of her not legal to show yet. you might recognize the chick as the tanned 60's diva from a few nights ago. yes, its the lovely and talented miss angela dorian, (sometimes known as victoria vetri) ...the one i featured in the hot pink jumpsuit leaning up against that groovy pink sportscar. hey, its nice to see more of her, if you know what i mean. hey, that's what real natural 'medium-sized' boobs are supposed to look like, ladies and gentlemen. she's got a simple but beautiful face, and i dig her slightly-teased up 60's hair-do. i'm not sure what she's doing stark naked in the living room in the middle of the day, but it doesn't matter. she looks groovy. so good luck to you all. (click to enlarge)

1 comment:

lucynell2 said...

Again I say, Hooray for real boobies!