Saturday, March 21, 2009

happy birthday gary

hey, it seems like i'm doing a lot of celebrity birthdays lately... but after checking my sources, i couldn't let this one go by... anyone who's been paying attention to 'the planet' lately knows i have a recent serious crush on mr. gary oldman. although i think he looks much hotter 'with age,' i couldn't resist snagging this picture when i ran into to it tonight. i have no idea what year this was taken, but it seems to be a younger gary, all done up somewhat like a hot british 'teddy boy.' yeah, he's got the slightly combed-up hair, the dissheveled late 60's suit, and the cool smokin' cig hangin' on. yes, he looks great. cool as always. i don't know if this 'look' was for a movie he was doing, or what. but he looks delicious, doesn't he ladies? the omnipotent computer 'movie source' tells me that he was born on march 21st, 50 years ago. one of his first on-screen performances was a blink-and-miss-it cameo in the 1990 steamy 'nc17' flick, 'henry and june,' starring his then-wife uma thurman. (as june.) he was apparently credited as 'maurice escargot.' cute, gary. (click to enlarge)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love mr oldman too!