Wednesday, May 20, 2009


hey, this is a small one, but i felt it was worth posting anyway. this is what i consider a 'one-panel' deal. if i may be so bold, i think its suitable for printing and sticking up on the fridge via a funky magnet. and hey, this one is expressly for lucynell, too. i'm sure i don't have to tell her, that here we have the incomparable miss teri garr, in the masterpiece 'tootsie.' here she is in black and white, rehearsing her soap audition way into the wee hours of the night. (we can tell its late because of when michael dorsey wearily looks at his watch whilst saying, '...just turn the tables on him, come on...') hey, lucynell knows what i'm talking about. so lucy, dig it. and know that she paid 24 dollars for those glasses! hey, what do i have to do, '...hit you with a stick?!' to get you dig this latest post!

1 comment:

lucynell2 said...

This is a great capture! OMG.

Sandy: (WHITHERING) This is rage. I'm playing rage.