Wednesday, May 20, 2009

witches of whatever

okay, i'm gonna go all the way back to 1987 for this one. man, i remember the late summer, 1987... high point, north carolina. my brother and i somehow became mesmirised by the ads for this movie. we wanted to see it so bad... i remember we even went as far as clipping the ad from the newspaper and sticking it to the front of the fridge for our mom to see, along with a little personal note that said something to the effect of: 'a great way to spend an evening, don't you think?' just to get her to drive us the less-than-ten-miles to the closest theater showing the thing. (and i'm trying like mad to remember the theater it was playing in... i think it was the capri triple... the one closest to the zayre's, if i'm remembering it correctly. lucynell... do you happen to remember? i don't think it was the Martin Twin... i think it was the other one.) anyway, our mother caved, and DID in fact take us to see it... i think the rainy weekend it premiered. i remember having a really good time, but even so... the sophisticated critic that lived deep within me realized it was at least two parts 'gobbling turkey.' (i mean, that ending... yeesh!) so, taking all of that into consideration, i made up this slide, which expresses my feelings now, everytime i catch 'eastwick' on re-runs.

1 comment:

lucynell2 said...

Yes! I have watched this movie probably sixty billion times and every time I do I usually say out loud: "What the hell is this movie trying to say?" It's like, blasting "morality tale" "morality tale" "THIS IS A CAUTIONARY MORALITY TALE!" to beat the band but I can't for the life of me figure out what we are supposed to learn from it.

Is Darrell destroying the town's values? Well, no. Not really. He's just having fun in his big house. Why are the girls punished for indulging their fantasies? And why is the town councilman's wife so viciously punished???? For being not sexy enough?

And Darryl's "melting" at the end? That ending had "strident studio notes" written all over it.

Seriously, what am I watching here?

I will always watch it though. It is like taking a time machine back to the late 80s.