Monday, June 22, 2009

barry gibb and olivia!

um, at first, this looks like a duet... but you don't have to look too closely to see this is actually a quartet. yes, quite clearly, barry's denim-faded ball-sacs are intent on making this a foursome. and yeah, i guess it would be too easy to say something about; '...hey, no wonder his voice was so high!' i mean, damn... how can there be any blood making it up to his brain? like, trust me, i didn't retouch this one at all. and you know, when i look at a pitcture like this, i can't help but realize... like, this singing gig wasn't the only thing barry did that evening. like he had to get dressed, fix his hair, grab his keys, and leave the house. didn't he pass a full-length mirror before he set out that night? how could he have checked himself out and NOT thought, ', you can really see my balls through these jeans... hey, maybe i should wear something... i dunno, less testicle-revealing?' did he wanna look practically nude-in-the-clothes? hey, maybe it was just the 'style' back then. like girls being super-braless and not caring. anyway, i thought it kind of had to be seen to be believed. (click to enlarge)

1 comment:

lucynell2 said...

Hahahahahahaha!!!!!! Good Lord! And he's clearly worn them quite a bit. His balls have actually worn two areas in the denim! My God.