Wednesday, June 24, 2009

not-so-cool rider

okay, i realize this is kind of mean, but after i found this comparison shot during a pearldive, i simply couldn't resist. now, i've never made a secret out of that i dig the movie 'grease 2.' and i also won't lie if you ask me if i thought maxwell-as-michael-carrington is cute; because i'll freely admit that i think he IS. all that being said, this side-by-side shot is pretty hilarious. i mean, he used to me every croozin' 80's gay guy's wet british blow-wave dream... and now, i don't think he's gonna be modeling any leather-pouch underwear. and, i'm not gonna say too much more, because god knows i hope MY looks hold up. but yeah, lookin' like that, out on the prowl for some twink meat, i can't imagine that hairline makes him 'mr. hard-to-resist.' i wonder if he has to like, remember to mention he was in Grease II in the first ten minutes of any sex-prospect? oh well, god bless him. (oh, and just in case 'Grease II' wasn't enough of a notch in his cinematic belt, you may remember he ALSO played the rich twit love rival in the dramatic 80's classic that is... 'Electric Dreams.')

1 comment:

lucynell2 said...

Okay first off, I used to have a maj crush on him, too. I spent the entire summer of '83 watching Grease II obsessively.

Secondly, I was in the process of typing: "Is he gay? I thought he was married to Juliet Mills?" And then I realized in typing the sentence, "I thought he was married to Juliet Mills." I had my answer.