Friday, August 28, 2009

rare hot color

okay, i'm super-tired right now, so don't expect my writing to be up to my usual level of clever excellence. but i just realized how long its been since i did an entry over here at the planet, so i thought i should put something down. and hey, i know how much we all love jack lemmon, so i thought this pic would be cool. it's a great rare color shot of tony curtis and sweet jack, in full drag-costume for the classic billy wilder comedy, 'the showgirl and the sweet transvestites.' no, just kidding... it's 'some like it hot.' (mm, no shit.) i think jack is positively adorable. i've heard 'hollywood babylon' rumors that tony curtis was super-comfortable in drag, and like, took to it right away. but really, how great is this movie? its one of those flicks that i'll stop the dial and watch almost any time i see it rolling. and you know, most people think of it as a marilyn monroe movie, and yeah, i guess it is... but in all fairness, marilyn doesn't show up until like, nearly 40 minutes into the script. so for the first big chunk, its just the two guys... and i don't think i'm going out on a limb to suggest that if it had only been tony curtis in that first part, then it would've just fizzled. i guess what i'm trying to say is this: 'some like it hot' is Jack Lemmon's movie. completely. ohhh, what i wouldn't give for a little squeeze of that Lemmon!! really, you remove jack from that film, and it flattens like an inflatable falsie with a pin in it. (click to enlarge)

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