Wednesday, August 19, 2009

va-va-va valmont!

you don't need a reason to celebrate valmont. i mean, check it out... he's smooth, gorgeous, sexy, velvety, and a master of seduction. his voice, his swaggering manner, the look in his eyes... who can resist? well, I can't... join the club. i got this screen capture a long time ago... which is a miracle in and of itself, on account of the only dvd release (so far) is 'crappy' at best. hopefully there'll be a 'criterion' or something released in the near future. wow... the longer i look at a photo like this, i realize it kinda sucks that guys aren't encouraged to walk around dressed like that these days. then again, i don't know how many 'modern' guys could 'rock' a look like this one so successfully. hey, these days, i don't know many 'modern guys' period... but that's beside the point. so.... as this may be the last entry i post tonight, dig that face.

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