Wednesday, August 19, 2009


hey, i don't know who these chicks are, but i DO know one thing... they're wearing real panties...! mmm, deelish. i have such mixed feelings about modern girls' underwear. like, i know a lot of girls love the 'thong scene,' apparently some find them more comfortable, or think they're sexier... maybe they just do it because they want a smooth line, maybe some wear 'em because they're in style, maybe some wear 'em because they think that's what a guy these days expects to see, but... (sigh) i must be real hardcore 'old-school,' because i don't think anything compares to a real sneak-glimpse of real all-covering panties. perhaps its a fetish thing. i don't know. perhaps its my age... i don't know. but whoa, look at these legs, that sweet lacy fabric... the 'forbidden-ness' of it just enchants me. i love the low-heeled, modest patent leather shoes, i love the swinging purses, and i love the boys in the background, checking out the leggy gorgeousness. dig it. (click to enlarge)

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