Friday, August 28, 2009


when asked about andy warhol, i have mixed feelings. it is impossible for me to deny his tremendous, even groundbreaking impact on the world of modern art. still, i think he got really, really lucky. he landed at just the right time, with just the right vibe. at no other time in history would his excuses for art have been accepted and even hailed as actual art. and so, i find myself jealous. if his stuff rocked the world and practically deified him, why isn't MY stuff similarly hailed? then, i have to remind myself, that if it hadn't been for 'weird art' pioneers such as Warhol, then there'd be even less of a path and audience for MY (our) psychedelic, unconventional stuff. i have to remind myself that he dared to push the concept of 'what passes for film,' ...paving the way for the visionary directors i enjoy to this day. and i must keep in mind that his experiments in 'cross-pollenating' from several pop culture 'hives' and disciplines to create new, free, original hybrid schools of Art are almost directly responsible for my large, inclusive embracing of the 'cut-up' method on an almost phantasmic scale. i'm not making any sense, am i? well, Andy might've been able to dig me. as much as i could sit here and 'bag' on him, i DO hope he digs me. Us. i hope he's out there somewhere, going: ", those guys have the right idea... they're following the righteous path..." i can only hope so. (click to enlarge)

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