Saturday, October 10, 2009

apple creaps

the first movie i ever saw in the theater was 'snow white and the seven dwarves.' we were five years old... so, i know i've seen this image like, 'up on the big screen.' and it probably creaped the eff out of me. that is, IF i could actually SEE it... (we didn't get glasses until much later, so it might've been an even-creapier 'blur-style' version i saw.) here, we see the wicked queen's master plan begin to gel with her creation of the almighty poison apple. i don't have a clear memory of the poison-dip coating making a 'skull-face,' but i guess it did. i guess i could really stand to 'really screen' that movie again. i remember not wanting Snow White to die, because; well... because i thought she was a real 'sexy piece,'... yes, even at the age of five i remember thinking that. what's more, i also remember thinking she could've used some 'more boobs.' but, all that aside, since its Halloween season and all, i thought i'd post this frame. true genius artists and animators at work here. not only is it a very believable accidental 'skull-dip,'... it also almost looks like its grinning. gorgeous.


jean-lucien said...

i was sooooo blind back then, i only remember colors. but, this frame does remind me of a game dora and i played as very little kids: one of us would "eff-up" a half eaten apple with like, lipstick, barbie hair, magic marker, etc. and then we took turns dangling it in front of each other saying (in a high pitched nasal voice) "eat the poison apple!! eat iiiit!!"
being a twin makes everything funny.

lucynell2 said...

That capture is terrifying!