Sunday, October 4, 2009

brady fun

yes, i admit it... i dig the Brady Bunch. and that's largely due to Mike Brady. (Robert Reed.) he may have gone to his grave thinking nobody truly appreciated his acting skills, but i'm here to say it out loud: i think he was marvelous. as i watched those re-run episodes through the years, i came to realize that Mike Brady was one of the main reasons why i was watching. he's thoroughly convincing as the straight dad. he's got those amazing blue eyes, too. he's the dad everyone wanted. firm, but loving. here he is, (thanks to some clever capturing from jean-lucien) in a couple of frames from the episode where Carol and Cindy both had laryngitis at the same time. if you've seen the episode, you know what the deal is... and, if you haven't, there's not a quick way i can explain it now. (click to enlarge.)

1 comment:

lucynell2 said...

God, this entry makes me love you even more. Which I didn't think was possible. I love the Brady bunch so much and this episode, too. What prompts this response is the fact that I don't think we've ever talked about our mutual love for the Brady Bunch, but of course, of course we both love it!