Saturday, October 10, 2009

'haxan' fever!

hey, i've got the fever! jean-lucien's got it, too! yeah, just about a week ago... (maybe a little less) jean-lucien got sucked into 'haxan.' its a silent film. directed by benjamin christensen, it's a fantastic exploration of witchcraft through the ages, and of how the paranoia of witches so easily sprouted and spread in an effort of absolve personal guilt and explain the unexplained. there are so many incredible shots. this is one of them. its a nude female figure... awakened and tempted from her bed, wandering into the night, beckoned by the calls of witches and devils. i can't seem to praise this movie enough. it was like, the Coolest Schoolfilm You've Ever Seen. hey, don't get me wrong, it was straight-up highly educational, and the titlecards read like a book... but the imagery, at times, was so wicked and lascivious that it startled and stunned even me. so, if you have the 90 minutes to devote to it, do yourself a favor and find yourself a copy of 'Haxan.' (at the time of this posting, the entire movie is available, in 10 min. chunks, on YouTube.) witch it!!

1 comment:

jean-lucien said...

i think it was tuesday that i saw it on IFC. i'm still spellbound.

maria the weaver's confession scene is mindblowingly fantastic, in the original sense of the word.

love it. educational!!