Sunday, April 20, 2008

here's to elsie marina

hey, i just realized this.... i believe miss marilyn monroe's finest per- formance was in the mostly underrated 1957 film (directed by none other than laurence olivier himself... ! ) 'the prince and the showgirl.' i could be mistaken, but i think it may have been my mother's favorite role of her's, too. marilyn played the working-class miss elsie marina. olivier played the pressured and palatial prince regent. i think i like it because it shows a virtually arranged marriage. he feels pressure to wed... he sees her, by chance, at the theater. she wants some security... but as luck would have it, ultimately, the currency doesn't matter. the odd pair comes to fall in love. and i'm going to challenge common opinion on this fact: the girl can act. the sequence about half way through of elsie going to the service at the church is, in my opinion, norma's finest drop of acting. dig it up if you can. she kills.

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