Thursday, April 17, 2008

my sweet magnolia

michael nesmith, ladies and gentlemen. i am a proud, unafraid, devoted fan. i think its safe to say i loved mike at first sight. and i don't mean that in the 'teenybopper' sense. actually, i think it was his 'sound' that wooed me so completely. early monkee songs like the wild urgent 'sweet young thing,' are criminally underrated. seriously, listen to that song... forget everything you know about the tv band... and just appreciate the rawness he was able to get away with. that song is so complicated...i don't know where to start with any kind of coherent analysis. it even manages to jab at a bagpipe sound around the solo. i must admit, i'm not sure how much control michael had over the final production of that track, but it IS a michael nesmith composition, and he does sing his heart out... sometimes i wonder how that song made it onto their first release. i think its hardcore. i'll see if i can find a decent version to post. until then, all my blessings michael.

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