Saturday, July 5, 2008

my darling bob

oddly enough, mr. bob hoskins falls into that rare category of 'love at first sight.' i'm pretty sure the first thing i saw him in was 'who framed roger rabbit?' and i must've seen that movie 20 times in the theater. (give me a break, i was 15 years old.) and i soon realized, after one or two screenings, that i had a crush on eddie valiant. i grew to swoon, yes swoon, over his elegant profile, his careful voice... artfully disguised with an american accent. i liked his short but strong pugilistic body frame, and he even went for a topless shot somewhere near the middle of the film. he's really the heavy clamp that held the entire gaudy fantastic production together. i think he's literally in every single scene. his deft handling of the part of the almost-down-and-out private detective anchored all the wild action in a thoroughly believeable, easy to swallow pill. i do not think the film would've worked without the talents of bob hoskins. since then i've seen a great deal more of his work, of course. 'mona lisa' was unsung gem. he was even quite frightening in 'brazil,' and brought me to tears in the british television version of 'pennies from heaven.' this shot is from his portrayal of the possibly-homosexual nightclub owner ownie madden. its from the often brilliant-often askew francis ford coppola production of 'the cotton club.' which is well worth seeing for the musical numbers alone. here's a kiss for you, bob. i love you.

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