Saturday, March 15, 2008

i am michael caine

tonight's featured smoker is the always-cool mr. michael caine. has he ever been un-cool? i guess his turn in the campy 'the hand' is about as close as he ever got. michael caine is one of those blokes i've been in love with for as long as i can remember. favorite roles? hey, 'deathtrap.' where else can you see him lay a gay kiss on superman himself? something about him is so definitively English. i've never really been able to 'do' his voice convincingly, but hey. he won an oscar for best supporting actor in woody allen's 'hannah and her sisters' for the lovestruck, romantically confused, chain-smoking husband of mia farrow. that may be his finest role, now that i think about it. madness even wrote a song for him. unfortunately, i can't find a version i can post. but dig it on your own if you can.

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