Thursday, March 13, 2008


...information retrieval. tonight's ian holm appears in the guise of mr. kurtzmann from terry gilliam's wildly prophetic and orwellian 'brazil.' i daresay the title is the most original and daring aspect of the entire production... but its still a film that tells the truth... the truth that there is almost nothing so vile and indefensible as the reading another one's diary. however, it must be made clear that the sin comes not merely from reading, but in holding the content against them. that may be the modern Original Sin. so... speaking as one who has had to stand by and see thier letters violated...i say: how dare you, and good luck deciphering our code. still, i maintain kurtzmann is a soft and complacent cog. i honestly can't blame him... there are times when the easier road is the right one.

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