Friday, November 28, 2008

the bootleggiest

man, if i had a buck for every beatle bootleg out there. hey, i'm not knocking bootlegs... some of my finest music and video 'finds' have been bootlegs. (like for instance that japanese david bowie tour vhs that was labeled with some sticker with a cartoon cat on it playing an upright bass along with the caption 'the swinging cat.' ) but i don't think i've ever bought a beatle bootleg. but hey, don't let that fool you; i AM a 'true fan.' and i truly know the 'hilarity potential' inherent in a clunky, dubious bootleg. like for instance, there are several details i dig about this one. i'm not sure if it's readable on the blog, but the emblem in the upper right hand corner tells us this was pressed by the world-famous 'yellow dog' label. (yeah, i've never heard of it either.) the rest is obvious... the beatles look like a collective ass. john is saluting for some reason, richard looks like he has... is that a 'shoe-boot' on his head? george apparently thinks its gonna further his cause as a 'cool person' to blow into a prop trumpet, and paul is wearing a motorcycle helmet. i don't remember ever seeing paul on a motorcycle. hey, maybe he rode one breifly in the late 80's when i 'wasn't looking.' oh, and i also think its funny that the title of this record is 'unsurpassed demos.' yeah, i'd lay down some actual cash to bet a great many of their 'demos' were in fact, surpassed... surpassed by the expertly polished-and-perfected 'album track,' perhaps. (i mean, can you even 'imagine' what the demo track of 'wild honey pie' might've sounded like..?)

1 comment:

lucynell2 said...

What the hell? That is hilarious. No one wins the horserace.