Thursday, November 27, 2008


when i was like, 9? 10? i totally fell for all that 'unicorn' stuff that was popular in like, 1982. i remember i (we) had one unicorn calendar, at least one unicorn jigsaw puzzle, a little plush stuffed animal unicorn, countless unicorn stickers, and i remember i also had this... 'the unicorn notebook.' it was really groovy inside... with parchment-looking paper, which was blank except for these all intricate, well-done wispy drawings of some jive-ass fantasy unicorn on all the borders and the margins in all sorts of 'jive-ass' unicorn 'scenes.' i guess you were supposed to write your own stuff inside, but i don't think jean-luc and i ever did. i think we just dug it for the drawings and the 'popular-at-the-time' unicorn 'vibe.' i remember that was also like, the same year we were desperately in love with olivia newton-john. man, if olivia had ever put out a song about unicorns i think our little heads would've exploded. oddly, i've never been into horses, just unicorns and pegasuses. (mmm, non-word.) for some reason i've never thought of unicorns behing 'horsey' in the same way horses were. it was like, horses were country music, and unicorns were 'new wave.' anyway, this was what the front of the notebook looked like. oh, and jean-luc and i also went to see 'the last unicorn' in the theater.

1 comment:

lucynell2 said...

I love this entry! If ever I were to own a unicorn I would name it "Jive Assy the Unicorn". And I think, in a way, Xanadu was ONJ's unicorn movie. I can't for the life of me think of why there WASN'T a unicorn in that movie.