Tuesday, November 25, 2008


yeah, i'm not sure why i'm even posting this. its a shot of the somewhat-talented miss racquel welch in the 1972 classic 'kansas city bombers,' directed by the great jerrold freedman. (?) i have no idea what the movie is about, but i found this and i thought it was a hoot. i couldn't get the color right in color... it had wayyy too much orange in it, but i found it came accross just as well in black and white... like you 'get the idea.' man, i wouldn't wanna fight her. or maybe i would, i don't know... maybe she can't fight at all. i do know that she and i share the 'same birthday, different year,' so i guess i can cut her some slack for that. rock on, miss welch. virgo power. (?)

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