Wednesday, November 5, 2008


what's cooler than i picture of jeremy irons? hey, a picture of jeremy irons smoking a cig! and what's cooler than jeremy irons smoking a cig?? a picture of jeremy irons smoking a cig with a god damn monacle hanging on! yeah, i've been sitting on this one for a long time. but since i saw the third 'die hard' over the weekend, i thought it was a good time to post this very cool and flash picture of mr. irons. he manages to pull a pose like this one without looking like a total joke. i wonder where the monacle came from? i mean, was he just walking around with it on his person, waiting for a prime photo opportunity to like, whip it out? or did he just dig one up in the midst of this photo shoot? who knows, but man, the end result is groovy with a capital g!

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