Thursday, November 6, 2008

not john taylor

okay, while we're on the subject of john taylor, (see below) i wanted to spotlight a pic i've been hanging onto for a long time. like, i totally don't remember how and where i got it. but my friends will no doubt recognize it on sight as an early 90's north carolina driver's license. and i want to make one thing clear. i have no idea who this dude is. i never met him, as far as i know i didn't know anyone who went to school with him, i don't remember going to 'the rocky horror picture show' with him, but ...judging by the date of the card (1990), this dude and i are pretty close to the same age. and whoah, can you tell he was into that 80's pop thing or what? check out that 'honorary member of duran duran' haircut... and that all-white flipped-up collar jacket with those very-dated-looking shoul' pads. hey, i'm not really bagging on the guy personally. he looks like somebody i probably would've enjoyed hanging out with. and hey, he's from charlotte NC! just like me. so, here's to you, mr. scott leo allen. wherever you are. don't be mad if you see this. we can be friends. (oh, just as a footnote, now that i look at it, its not a driver's license; only an NC state id. which i guess makes him a little bit younger... unless he was 'totally unable' to get his 'driving' act together.)

1 comment:

lucynell2 said...

where did you find this pic? OMG. At first I thought it was Larry French! Shoul' pads...hahahha. I think you DID achieve this hair if I remember correctly.