Thursday, November 6, 2008

a man and his sandwich

hey, i hope some of you out there will think this shot is as hilarious as i think it is. let's see, we've got davy 'the wave' jones, shirtless, with his underwear waistband very much showing, standing at some kind of kitchen counter-type situation, chowing downwardly on what i can only guess is a self-made, munchies-induced sandwidge. (intentional spelling.) actually, on a semi-serious note, i think this shot sort of epitomizes what i imagine would 'suck-about-fame.' like, not even being able to make a crappy sandwich without someone from 'tiger beat' popping a damn flash bulb in your face. like, no matter what you're caught doing, you're compelled to play-it-off-like-it-was-cool. like, hey, '...i stubbed my toe real hard on the hotel coffee table... i'm sure glad someone was here to like, immortalize 'the moment,' namely my moment of shame-and-pain.' sigh. yeah, i used to think i wanted to be famous when i was like, 14... but i'm serrriously glad that never happened. sometimes, if you lose you're anonymity, you can never get it back. and personally, i'd rather have an invisibility cloak than a cover shot on 'People' magazine.

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