Wednesday, January 14, 2009

experimental georgina

as you'll read on the post below, i've been screwing around with some photographic techniques; like, that's because i'm an artist, and that's the kind of wild stuff i do to amuse myself. so, i've been taking pictures of my computer screen with all sorts of stuff on it. and although the images aren't like, 'razor-sharp,' resolution-wise, i still am digging on the egg-drop wispyness of the stuff i'm managing to get. and some unexpected colors have been popping up, just from the random behavior of strange added filters and accidental elements. here's a shot i took of my blonde darling georgina hale. it was a black and white clip, but somehow, the end result had an aquamarine hint to it. i liked it, so i tried to bring it out a little. its weird, the grain is still quite fine, but the detail is hazy. below, you'll see another try with a different model. cool stuff.

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