Tuesday, January 13, 2009

experimental joe

i don't have a lot of energy tonight. maybe its a lunar thing. (did i already say that last night?) anyway, i was messing around with my camera tonight, and a clash video came up in my shuffler, and i thought, like, why the hell not take a shot of the screen, and see if you can get a half-way decent image. and, not to brag, but i think i did. sure, its a little hazy, but still worth having in my files. especially since i had to make my video player 'full screen,' and had to 'sharpshoot' without pausing, but all that considered, i think it looks pretty darn good. then i cropped it, brought up the color a little, and decided it could make it to the final picture file. so i might try to mess around with photographing the screen in the future. like i'll get all 'nick-rhodes-conceptual' and pretend to be weird and... all that junk. (its from a performance of the clash song 'tommy gun,' by the way.)

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