Friday, January 16, 2009


yes, its been a slow week here on the planet. hopefully by next week i'll be flush with various wild ideas. hey, dig how cold it is out here tonight... 8! yes, a big bad single-digit 8 degrees! its a good thing i've got a fire going. okay, where was i? umm, yes... i love you all, like 'late-nite' style. and here to mark my place is a 'just for laffs' shot taken by me from my screen. its nigel planer, as neil, in 'the young ones.' and if you don't already know what's going on in this shot, its hard to explain, so i think i'm just gonna 'let it be' visual. i love you all, i hope you're keeping warm, and i promise to be back soon with more pearls and laughs. peace.

1 comment:

lucynell2 said...

I wish I did remember what was going on in that shot.