Tuesday, January 13, 2009

school poster

hey, remember all those smallish posters you used to see around schools? like, a bug-eyed tree frog on a tree branch that said like, '...hang on 'til friday' and stuff like that? well, quite a while ago, a made up a few of my own. i don't remember where i found the cat picture i used, but once i had him, i gave him a caption and, presto! instant school poster. i imagine this one was most likely in a middle school... ironically in the room of the teacher that loaded you down with the most homework, just to mock your 13 year old pain. i realize the caption is really basic and 'first idea,' but that was kind of the point. like, they didn't get noel coward to write those things. so dig him, the groovy and slightly-startled-looking 'homework cat.'

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